Thursday, May 14, 2020

Town Hall Italian Violinist

This 'allegro vecchio' popped up in various spots around Sydney CBD. He was always dressed in a suit. He was always totally upbeat. And he always played the exact same tune, all the time. What does it matter, I suppose? Most people won't hear him for longer than one number anyway. (With all that practice it must have been second nature) I liked the way he punctuated the piece with exuberant shouts of "Hey!", "Ole!" etc. This was about 5 years ago - wonder if he's still around?

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Pitt Mall Pan Piper

Looks like I haven't posted this pan pipe player yet, so let's shine the spotlight on this rockin' instrument! Of course pan pipes [so named for the satyr of Greek myth] came to global prominence back in 1975 with Peter Weir's ethereal 'Picnic at Hanging Rock'. Gheorghe Zamfir’s hypnotic pieces perfectly matched the other-worldly mood of the fillum. So much so, that I actually bought the soundtrack album. To be honest, it didn’t get played much - separated from the sumptuous visuals it didn’t bear repeated listening. And a whole album from this undoubtedly talent performer would be a bigger challenge than I would willingly face…

Monday, May 11, 2020

Pitt Mall Soccer Ball Wizard

Wow - what  a talent! This guy's skills will knock yer socks off... He's got a winning formula too - hi-energy background music soundtracking a non-stop repertoire of tricks that mere mortals like us can only gawp at. [& I think he showcased his piece of resistance in there] Great, compact way to fund your global travels too ('course he could be from Strathfield)

Friday, May 8, 2020

Town Hall Flautist

A popular spot, this, with the Sydney busking fraternity - indeed my Banjo Maestro was seen here regularly. I like this fellow's cool demeanour - he shows little concern that, as a performer, he's creating virtually no distraction to the passing tide of humanity. He's also chosen to play what he damn well pleases - no "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" for him. He could be making it up as he goes, but it's probably a revered classic that I'm too uncultured to recognise.

Monday, May 4, 2020

World Square Cellist

Do cellists get RSI in their left wrists? Googling that very question just now it seems that fatigue and tension in the left hand is a real issue. That constant vibration technique, and the neck squeezing,  must take its toll. Anyway, this young man's relaxed style makes it look easy. And I daresay he has a few hours playing behind him. He's not pandering to crowd favourites in repertoire, though, and his street persona suggests he's in it more for the 'playing in public' practice than the bucks - just as well, judging by the take in his instrument case...

World Square Jap Beatbox Duo

I’ve witnessed one or two talented beatbox practitioners ‘round town – notably this genius, performing without amplification – but I think this is the first duo.

What a way for a couple of young Japanese dudes to see the world – setting up on the street and spitting out synchronised blurts and grunts.

And not just any Japanese Beatbox duo but Team Contest Finalists in the Japan Beatbox Championship 2014! Still going strong it seems – book ‘em for your next wedding party or anything here

[or check out their Facebook page

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Galeries Victoria couple

I've seen this couple often, over many years, around Sydney - & this is one of their favoured haunts it would seem. They're always smartly dressed and always come across as very proficient musically - mixing it up with styles and instruments - piano accordion & others . While they have a generally upbeat demeanour they're not the most animated of street performers. But how long could you keep up 'razmatazz' anyway? I'm impressed they've stayed together as a couple for years - can't be an easy way to bring home the bacon but their attitude suggests they're stayers.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Conrad goes to Blue Hawaii

"Blue Hawaii" is far and away my favourite Elvis movie - I've got the soundtrack album and everything. Elv had some nice, simple pared-down numbers - sometimes just him and a ukulele - but I don't think even The King would've had the chutzpah to tackle "Can't Help Falling in Love" with just his own bongo for accompaniment. This guy puts the 'rad' in Conrad...

Trainspotter's footnote: "Can't Help Falling in Love" would become the standard closer for an Elvis Presley concert in the 1970s, & went to number two on the Billboard Hot 100.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Michael & his dogs

Michael presented a pretty relaxed vibe as he rendered his personal stylings of 'Classical Gas' - made famous, of course, by Beach Boys session muso turned solo artist, Glen Campbell. I like Michael's free and flowing interpretation - you don't miss Glen's big brass-backed production among the foot traffic of World Square.
This was 2015 - I wonder how he and other street performers, whose income relies on passing trade, are faring in these lockdown times...